Day 997
It would seem that we have all done something in our past that caused us shame on some level. Certainly, my Goldens have had a fleeting sense of chagrin…probably more akin to regret for getting caught!
Remembering back to my childhood when, at the age of five or six, I visited The Ben Franklin on Main Street with my mom. Walking down the candy aisle, I noticed an open stick of bubble gum with broken pieces in the display. Somehow, on a visceral level, I knew it was wrong to reach down , scoop a small prince up and pop it in my mouth.
The contraband brought no joy and, when my mother asked me what was in my mouth, I handed it over! Up to the counter for a tearful apology and then a hasty retreat without any small prize (typically offered) for being a “good girl… lesson learned!
That experience was enough to hold any other temptations at bay for the rest of time. Disapproval from my parents was avoided at all costs… not because of punishment, but simply becaus hurting them was penalty enough!!!!
There seem to be at least three avenues shame can travel…
You rectify because:
*You have fear of ramifications.
*You don’t want to disappoint loved ones.
*Your moral compass won’t allow it.
In my experience as a daughter, parent and teacher, the first often leads to the third. It would seem that this beautiful world revolves around that premise. For those stuck at the first level, my heart is saddened for those people. The second, I feel you are on your way. It is the third we all hope to achieve. My journey was on the fast track with that bubble gum! Gus, and his Golden heart, might always be stuck at level two. A look from us, or hearing his name with disapproval, will be cause enough to drop that treasure so skillfully hidden in his jowls!