Day 990

On this gorgeous day, Lilly and I decided to sit on the back steps and soak up some fresh air and sun. We Minnesotans embrace our January Thaws with a passion and fight the urge to pull our shorts out of storage. Uffda!

While Lilly enjoys her time as “The Chosen Golden,” her brothers look on with confusion and envy. With intermittent barks and scratches at the door, words are not needed. It all points to…”Why her and not me?”

We have all been behind that screen door in our lives. Someone is chosen to do something deemed incredible, and we are not invited or included. It doesn’t feel very good to have been left off the list. There seems to be three ways to look at this situation.

First, there may be a reason the for the lucky one(s) to be chosen. In the case of Miss Lilly, her health is a challenge, so she gets every opportunity to feel special! Others may deserve a reward, have a special talent or other reason to be singled out. If we understand and accept that, the door doesn’t seem so much of a barrier.

Secondly, perhaps the other side of the door only LOOKS wonderful. There is a chance that being behind that door is actually the winning side and you were fortunate to not be chosen in retrospect!

Finally, and this is a tough ask, try to be happy for those who were chosen. Dive into your empathetic spirit and embrace their joy.

Now I just have to convince Sam and Gus that they are better off inside! I am not holding my breath that they will embrace their empathetic hearts!


Day 991


Day 989