Day 989

Oh Sammy… this sentiment defines you! Not only does this apply to food, but every moment of the day. As long as his mommy is in sight, the world spins on!

The towel was a gift from a dear friend. She knows me well! When I opened it today, it delighted me! Gifts can do that!

Giving gifts is so fun… especially when it is the perfect offering. Those closest to me know that anything Disney or dog-themed will always be perfect. I have also been charmed by other gifts that tell me the giver took the time to make it special.

Having said that, GIVING gifts is one of my favorite things to do. Accolades or thanks are not at all necessary, (If I could do it anonymously, I sure would!). The joy comes from finding something that you know will bring happiness to the recipient. Whether it’s an heirloom, handmade or store-bought…as long as it is given from the heart, all is well.

Thinking back over decades of gifting, one of the standards set came from my dad. Years ago, he pulled me aside and handed me a small box. Explaining that what was inside had been a gift from his mother (my Nanny). He knew she would have wanted me to have it and it brought him joy to pass it on to me. Opening the box, I realized it was my Nanny’s wedding ring. Through tears, I told him it was more meaningful than anything I had ever received.

That precious ring finds its way onto my finger when I need strength, wisdom, or both. It is my benchmark for touching hearts with a gift. It is a treasure.

Whether giving it receiving gifts, check to make sure the heart is involved. Just like my towel today.. which brought such joy!


Day 990


Day 988