Day 956

Absolute relaxation! Nobody does it better than a Golden!!!! Gus snuggles in with his boy EVERY chance he gets. His calm presence seems to help Jimmy relax as well!

Some of us have to work quite hard at achieving a relaxed state… of body and mind. For me, it is not the body that is a challenge. My mind often refuses to find peace.

During the day, there is a fast-paced, circular, zigzag flow to my thoughts! It might go something like this…

“After I clear the table, I will start the dishes. SAM! What is in your mouth! Is that my glove? Do you want a walk? Maybe you should all take a potty break! Oh yes…the dishes. I need to put the leftovers away. Wow! That fridge is packed! I see a few items that need to GO!!! Ewww…something leaked on the shelf of the fridge. Better get the ‘Simple Green’! Is that a dog barking outside?”

Not pretty!!!!

My nightly ‘thought adventures’ are similar but take on a darker tone. It is hard to nudge my thoughts in a positive direction and worry turns into stress! How can someone circumvent concerns into calming thoughts?

The best way for me is to pick a Happy Place and force my mind to enter. I can saunter down ‘Main Street USA’ at Disney, take a virtual mind walk through the woods or place myself at the ocean’s edge. Eventually, my heart rate lowers, my breathing slows and I fall asleep. I am a work in progress!

The other choice is to get a little Therapy Dog love. That calms me every time!!!


Day 957


Day 955