Day 957
Ranger looks out at the “somewhat frozen” lake and then gazes up at the numerous trumpeter swans flying overhead. He is mesmerized.
I look out and question the sanity of the people in their ice houses, marvel at the trumpeting overhead and melt at the sight of my boy enjoying the day.
Both of us are looking at the same view (mine is better because I have Ranger in the picture.), yet I guarantee our thoughts are vastly different. Ranger seems to be enjoying a beautiful afternoon while trying to figure out why people are walking ON the lake and attempting to figure out the huge white things overhead. I, on the other hand, add judgment and emotion to my thoughts. Shaking my head at the anglers, loving the fact that Swans mate for life and loving my big Golden to tears!
Although there are times when I wish that I could be more dog-like in my thoughts, I am grateful for the depth of human emotion that leads to our meaningful perceptions.
The other day, a group of lake neighbors discovered a swan that was unable to fly. This beautiful, human team gently captured the bird and wrapped it in blankets before taking great care to load her into a waiting vehicle. The swan was transported to a raptor center where they discovered lead poisoning. The doctors were hopeful and everyone who heard the story is now waiting and praying for a complete recovery and reunion with her mate. Humans can be so wonderful.
Although I embrace the human perceptions, I sometimes try to take in the view from “Golden eyes”… pure, innocent, non-judgmental and full of wonder. Perhaps a mix would do the trick!!!!