Day 951

As our four Goldens hovered nearby, while we enjoyed some caramel popcorn (Thank you Sharon and Clair), it occurred to me that these dear pups had the ability to take that treat away by force! Instead, they simply sat and tried to communicate their desire with those big, brown eyes and a bit of drool! They never question our power.

Luckily, we don’t abuse that relationship. They trust us, they obey and they love us whether we share the treat or not! We are so lucky to have those beings in our lives!

When we are in the “power seat,” it is crucial to embrace empathy for those who are powerless. Children, pets and others in our sphere of influence, need compassion. Although there are times when those who we are responsible for need safeguards, parameters and even barriers, I hope we can always “try on their shoes” for a moment and see things through their lens.

As sad as those faces appeared before us, we knew that healthy choices needed to be made. Also, our dear friends had made special treats for our pups! Good things sometimes come to those who wait!


Day 952


Day 950