Day 824

One of the multitudes of characteristics I LOVE about my Goldens is that they never argue about being “right!" They all balk now and then and give me “The Loo,", but in the end…they concede.

Am I always right in my interactions with the Goldens…probably not, but they never engage in a battle of pride. I wish I could say the same for my ‘battles of will’ with humans.

In the past, I recall more than a few times when I held my ground when it wasn’t necessary. By maintaining that I was right and my “opponent” was wrong, hurt feelings, frustration and relationship bonds were affected. When these ‘battles of will’ occur, people tend to take a step back and often refuse to step forward again.

Through the years, my philosophy has morphed into a kinder, gentler one. As wisdom grows, it seems that hearts expand as well. When confronted with a potential argument, I now ask these questions:

*Will I hurt someone’s feelings?

*Is there an unseen reason the other person has the need to “win”?

*Is the outcome of the “discussion” worth the angst?

*What does the “winner” actually “win”?

Now, I only hold my ground when it benefits loved ones. Mostly, that means I calmly say, “I hear what you are saying and I honor your thoughts.” Often, this is followed by a hug. (It’s hard to be upset when there is a hug!)

The older I get, the less ground I need to hold. I would rather “hold” hearts. Gus and the Goldens would agree!


Day 825


Day 823