Day 817

…And just like that, they are home! Home at the lake, home in the water and home with the freedom to run free! These Goldens LOVE their cabin time!

After all four had run down and congregated on the dock, they ran to the edge and back numerous times. All of a sudden, with one triumphant glance over her shoulder, Lilly took the first leap! The others soon followed! We were witnesses to sheer joy!

It was a “doggy day” today! Walks with a new smell at every turn, time on the deck watching birds fly by and snuggles with their humans at every opportunity. Our middle daughter Amanda (son-in-law Matt too), with her 16-year-old pit bull Bachka, rounded out our crew. Once a Therapy Dog like the Goldens, this dear, senior pup now reigns supreme over the entire assembly. Sweet girl! With our grandpuppy, that made for five dogs…five very happy dogs!

On our way to lunch, we noticed a number of cars braking ahead. Amanda said one word, “DOG” and she was out the car door in one graceful leap! I followed close at her heels as I saw a beautiful collie dancing between the cars on the road. Tearing off to a nearby yard, it took both of us to corral her! The home owner ran out with a rope, so we gently slipped it under the collar (with no identification thereupon) and waited by the road in hopes the owner was looking. Matt called authorities, but they had no information or help to offer. After about 15 minutes, a gentleman biked up with a leash/harness in hand. “Matilda, you little escape artist!” was all he said. Our new collie friend was very happy to see him too so, after a hearty thank you, we all headed on our way to our destination. Our hearts were happy!

Later that evening at dinner, a woman passed our table, stopped and said, “Remember me? I was your veterinarian a few years ago!” Of  course we did and out came our pictures of the Goldens. As she left, she said, “Coincidentally, I brought your ‘Howard’ book along to read to my nieces tonight!”

It was a day full of dogs, connections because of dogs and doggy affection at every turn! My kind of day!


Day 818


Day 816