Day 754
These two boys are such good buddies! It amazes me that they can play SO roughly and the next minute , they are snuggled together like loving brothers. They don't hold a grudge, they don't plot retaliation, and they let bygones be bygones.
Humans can learn so much from these doggy relationships. When we are hurt by a friend or loved one, why not simply "shake it off," forget and forgive? Unlike dogs, people tend to do just the opposite. When there is a perceived wrong, they cling to hurt feelings like a cloak of safety. Once feelings are injured, many individuals tend to pull into their shell so they cannot be hurt again.
If we could ignore or forget, moving on would be an easier path to follow. Once, when someone said something unkind to me, my husband's wise advice was to respond with, " I am sorry you feel that way." With that sentiment, the person delivering the hurtful words tends to have no response. It truly works.
So, if we can't "shake it off" like Gus and Sam, perhaps a simple "Sorry you feel that way" will defuse the situation. Dogs everywhere would agree!