Day 724
At Oxbow today, we read a book entitled, "That's Good, That's Bad" by Margery Cuyler. The premise is that things can look good, but might not be as they seem. The opposite can be true as well. The students were great listeners (one class even applauded!) and Ranger even received a card!
On the drive home, my thoughts turned to times when I thought something would be good in my life, but it didn't turn out that way. Not being a person to dwell on the negative aspects of life, I turned my thoughts to seemingly "Bad" things that turned out to have a silver lining after all.
For example, when I was a Freshman at Bemidji State 'College'...yes I am THAT old...I fell down a flight of icy steps after a night science lab. At the bottom of the steps, I gathered my wits and determined my ankle was in trouble. After three days of hobbling around, I went to a doctor who took an X-ray. As I sat on the X-ray table, the doctor rushed into the room and warned me not to move a muscle. The leg was quite broken and any movement might need surgery. Since I had been limping around campus for a few days, I decided I was lucky and held my breath as he added a cast to my wardrobe. Determined to stay in school, I set out to be brave and strong...that didn't last long! My college roommate was less than sympathetic, so I was on my own.
After "crutching" to my first class the next week, I realized I was in trouble. It took me over an hour to maneuver the connecting underground tunnels and I was exhausted when I showed up ten minutes late to class. My professor pulled me aside and told me that I could get notes and assignments from a friend until I was more mobile. Another classmate overheard and volunteered. Not only did she bring all my assignments, but she also delivered meals and other necessities.
Barb not only became a dear friend, but was such a model of goodness and kindness as well. That broken leg brought me into a new group of wonderful friends and also enlightened me to the power of giving to others. What was "bad" became wonderfully "good!"
After that, I looked for the good in every situation. After the initial shock of a "bad thing," I could always find the "good thing" within. Now "That's Good!"