Day 723

Our beloved "Harmonica Player" came back to Walker! We were running behind on our visiting schedule, so Miss Lilly was allowed a QUICK jaunt into the dining room (Don was the only person there!) and she was SO excited to see her guy! Added of the cooks brought out a piece of fresh bacon!!!! Lilly was in Heaven!

The dogs and I grow so attached to some of our people...we love them! There are a couple of senior gentlemen who have become family and we, who are on the receiving end of that bond, are so honored.

Family is a funny thing. You are born into an extended, biological group and your history begins. Although genetics play a large part in the kinship of "family," that is not always enough. We always have a place in our hearts for everyone on our family tree, but "chosen family" can be a beautiful thing! Those we "choose" to be our closest "family" often add such support, beauty and love without any genetics involved!

Perhaps our "chosen family" comes to us without strings attached. There are no issues with family fairness, competition or perceived injustices of the past. There are no expectations set to give without receiving and Kindness is at the base of those relationships. They are often an unexpected gift when you need it the most.

There are also biological family members who become great friends!!!! What a gift that is in life! Talk about a "WIN-WIN!" Not only do you share a history, but have the added joy of being kindred spirits!

Families, whether genetic or chosen, are the sunshine of our world. The Goldens, Mr. Mac and I are so blessed to be surrounded by an amazing group!


Day 724


Day 722