Day 720

Tummy Time is the best!!! Ranger can tell time to the minute when it comes to eating meals! When it is about ten minutes before the "Bowl Drops," our boy is right in our the best way possible. He nudges, licks, paws and barks as a last resort! He loves his food!

Thinking of times when food was that important to me has me searching my memory banks. Perhaps, my memories of food are attached to family recipes and baking together. Sights and smells are strong in my mind when I remember...

*Warm sugar cookies just out of the oven at my own Nanny's house

*Chicken pot pie at our dear Elaine's (day care) at the end of a workday

*Roast cooking in the oven at my folks' house when we would congregate after a long day at work and school

*Popcorn at the theater with the family

*Caramel smells wafting out of the German Pavilion at WDW

*Southern fried chicken at my dear Libby's home

The list could go on and on, but each memory centers around a loved one or family outing. Connecting food with thoughts of important people in my life is the true draw! It makes me wonder if anyone connects those types of memories with food I have prepared at home...

As for Ranger, (Lilly, Gus and Sam too), Tummy Time MIGHT be associated with loved ones. On the other hand, it is just as possible that our "Food-Driven Beast" simply loves food! Sweet boy!


Day 721


Day 719