Day 709
These two brothers could not be closer. Even though they often "play fight", they never get angry with one another. Ranger even tries to join the fray from time-to-time, but he is no match for their acrobatics! Brothers!
After one of their wrestling matches, Gus and Sam seem to check each other for wounds, shake it off and trot in through the doggy door for a treat. There is NEVER any animosity and no sign of hurt feelings or grudges. We can learn so much from our animals.
On a large or small scale, after a disagreement, people could start with a quick check to see if they left any pain (physical or emotional) in their wake.
Humans don't do this.
Next, like the Goldens, shake it off. Put it behind you and move forward. Carrying a disagreement in your heart is heavy baggage indeed!
Humans don't do this
Finally, leaving everything in their past, the boys come inside and sit for a dog treat and some love. Without using the doggy door, a moment of love is possible for people. In our house, we hug after a "strong discussion" until our hearts are full and secure again. It is amazing what a hug can erase.
Humans CAN do this!
Being more doglike is always a goal for me. I watch the interactions, habits, hearts and behavior of my Goldens and learn from them every single day.
Be more doglike...humans can do this and make the world a better place.