Day 707
Our Golden Walks, with Lilly and Ranger, have slowed down over the last year or so. They seem to stop, sniff and lag behind more often, but that is fine with me!
Approaching eleven years this summer, they are simply acting their age. Truth be told, these slower walks are more accommodating to my own age as well. I have decided to go at their pace and let them enjoy every smell.
Slowing down creates much frustration in my life. What used to be thoughtlessly easy is now more challenging. Yesterday, for example, I trimmed the hydrangea back to allow for more growth. This morning, I mentioned some discomfort in my back and then remembered yesterday's adventure. Frustration took hold for a moment until gratitude took its place.
Even if activities are not as easy as they once were, I am lucky enough to be able to still do them. That is a gift! As the years pass, I will still try to do those things that are not always easy... except I will do them Ranger and Lilly speed!
Embracing a slower pace allows more time to be introspective. Allowing life's adventures to simmer and embracing them, helps wisdom grow. It is a challenge to accept slower speeds, but a blessing to be around to slow down.
All four Goldens are napping at my feet and my heart is full. Ten years ago, I would have been flying around accomplishing my latest list. This gathering of Goldens would have been missed. I guess this slower pace stuff is pretty nice after all!