Day 705

Expectations are a real thing with dogs! Take today, for example. After the morning walks, we settled in with some special bonding time with each. We knew we would be gone for a few hours this afternoon and wanted to give them some extra attention before we left. Unfortunately, we were tardy for their 2:40 feeding! When we entered the back door, an apology on our lips, we were met by Ranger...if looks could kill! This boy can tell time by his stomach and we were LATE! We rectified the situation quickly and all was forgiven!

Whether we want to admit it or not, we all have expectations for our own needs and wants. Basic needs aside, we might get that "Ranger Look" if our plans are suddenly circumvented! We tend to plan our days with the expectation that certain 'wants' will come to fruition. When something blocks our plans, it can be upsetting and unsettling.

For example, when I plan to fill the green yard waste bin, there are things that get in the way. Mother Nature, humans, dogs and a host of other interruptions keep me from trimming the bushes or picking up the yard. This would not be such a big deal for most, but there is something about that green bin underutilized that drives me crazy! Knowing I can easily fill it on a weekly basis, if one week is missed, I am behind the curve! Expectations come in many different sizes!

When my plans are foiled, I have two choices:

*Grumble and let frustration overtake my being

*Take a deep breath and go with the flow

Ordinarily, I choose the second option. That is not to say that the first option is absent. On the contrary, there are times when I need to close my eyes and focus on the important things in life.

Green bin vs feeding and grooming the pups for example!

For the briefest of moments, the green bin option looks like it might just be a life or death choice! Within a moment, I can take a deep breath, count to 10 and realize that the pups are WAY more important than yard waste! The frustration I feel with myself when I let my Goldens down towers over the frustration found in an empty green bin!

So, when expectations are thwarted:

1. Take a deep breath.

2. Count to 10.

3. Go with the flow.

4. Take the original expectation and add it back in tomorrow!

As for Ranger, it's almost dinner time and I better not fail him again! Going with the flow is not one of his best qualities when it comes to "Tummy Time!"


Day 706


Day 704