Day 701

"Let sleeping dogs lie."

After a busy morning of Therapy Dogging, my 'elders' tend to take well-deserved naps. Those tails never stop wagging and they are always ready to greet the next person! They humble me.

There are so many sayings about dogs! Perhaps, that is just another way to honor these amazing beasts. Here are a few with my connection to human ways of life:

"The tail wags the dog"

This refers to a lesser thing controlling a greater thing. For me, that is directly related to kind matter how small, can control the world and make it a kinder place to be.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than it loves itself."

True...but we can always strive to be more doglike!

"You can't teach an old dog new tricks."

When Arthur achieved his Therapy Dog status at age six, I threw this saying out the window. Hopefully, I will be learning for the rest of my days!

"Every dog has his (or her) day."

Maybe not today...maybe not tomorrow, but we all have those days when great things happen.

"A barking dog never bites."

Well...I suppose it has to stop barking to actually bite, but it does have a meaning beyond that. If someone is expounding and pushing an agenda, just listen politely, thank them for their insight and walk away. Long ago, I decided to dismiss verbose individuals and, while respecting their right to offer their opinion, it doesn't make me second-guess my own beliefs.

"Love me, love my dog."

When people say, "I'm not really a dog person." I wonder about their past. Perhaps there was an encounter that frightened them or they have never been exposed to dogs. Whatever the reason, I typically move on, knowing our hearts are in different worlds.

"Dogs are man's best friend."

Of course, that should say women as well! Their faithfulness, love and trust make them the perfect friend!

There's a thunder storm as I write and all four Goldens are in need of some comfort. Sam kicked a gate down, Gus jumped in my lap and the seniors are pawing my feet! It is now my turn to be my dogs' best friend. What a privilege!


Day 702


Day 700