Day 680

There is a channel called Dog TV that we have subscribed to for years now. Lilly and Ranger LOVE it when we watch together or turn on when we leave home for a bit. Sam and Gus are typically sent to the sunroom when we are absent, so they have not seen this magical channel...until today!

Sam was riveted! He couldn't take his eyes off the dogs frolicking in the ocean and parks. Nothing could break his attention! Sweet boy...

As I watched our youngest enjoy this program, I wondered what it was that grabbed his complete attention. Motion, dogs, noises, toys and other temptations rolled across the screen to his complete entertainment. Who could resist?

For me, there are few things that can hold my complete attention. My mind is always flying around and, like a crow, "shiny" things capture my eye and thoughts. There are times when I wish my brain was more linear in nature, but embrace the flow of thoughts that race through my head all the same.

So, what can draw my complete attention...people. Listening to their stories, embracing their "inner human" and relishing the bonds that form. My family, friends and dogs grab my focus and writing takes my total concentration in a magical way. Other than that, my mind wanders down many 'rabbit holes.' Perhaps that is how I balance the intensity of deeply connecting with what totally holds my attention.

Sam is a lot like me. We both can concentrate on the important things, but our thoughts fly when someone says, "Squirrel," and we are off and running! Minds are fascinating and I appreciate my matter where it takes me!


Day 681


Day 679