Day 678

Inside! Outside! Inside! Outside! The Goldens need a revolving door today! Snow is their new favorite thing! Every time they come inside, they get rub downs with a warm towel. It's hard to know if it's the frolicking in the snow OR the rub downs that sends them into a frenzy of wanting what they don't have. Inside! Outside! Inside...

We have all been in a position of not knowing what we want. Unlike the Goldens, we must take so much into consideration when going after what we think we want. Will it impact my loved ones, is it safe, what must I give up to "get" what I THINK I want? The pups simply go towards their desires and never look back!

In life, there are so many choices we encounter. Luckily, most "wants" move us forward in life. Education, occupations, family choices, (number of dogs) and other choices move us in a direction. Spinning in a revolving door happens now and then, but the feeling of relief when we jump out and head in a direction is a wonderful one

So, I let those Goldens out, in, out, in...and smile every time I close the door. For me, I am glad to simply be the door monitor for my crazy pack and embrace the fact that I don't often have to race through that revolving decision door myself!


Day 679


Day 677