Day 660

Habits are hard to break. Take my Golden walks, for example. Sam first, Gus next and finally Lilly and Ranger get their adventure. With the two younger boys, I have been doing some intense training on their individual walks while the seniors simply get to meander.

Today, I was running a bit behind, so I trained with Sam and then paired Gus with Ranger for the next walk. Lilly was headed to Anoka Walker, so she enjoyed that saunter down the hill. What I discovered was a surprise to me. Gus watched Ranger during their entire walk and picked up a few training points from his big brother! Mixing up the walks might just be a good thing!

My own habits tend to be well-embedded in my brain. For example, you could set a clock by my morning routine from the time I get up until after the dog walks.

Another example would be my driving routes. I take the same roads (after 50 + years of driving in my home town) and never think of changing them. When I have been rerouted, for some reason, I am always surprised that I can get to my destination a different way. There are always new sights and often the realization that it might just be a better drive!

Routines rule our lives. Some keep us healthy, punctual and sane. Others simply allow us to move through life without much thought. It seems that a change in those routines might be rather healthy for the brain and psyche! That can't be all bad!

Perhaps a goal might be: Change up one routine a day...even if only slightly. I could do that! Now, if I tampered with Ranger's "Tummy Time," I would hear about that at the top of his Golden lungs!


Day 661


Day 659