Day 659
Our day started out as planned...walk dogs, visit at Walker, head to Mercy...then we had a change in those plans! A call from our daughter alerted us to the fact that her husband had an unexpected appointment (double ear infections!) and had grandson, Asher, in tow. It was a surprise day off school for these grandparents, so we had to change course for the day.
Bringing Lilly home, Ranger met us at the door for his trip to Mercy. That face! Having decided to cancel our Therapy Dog visit, I couldn't find it in my heart to disappoint my big guy. Inviting him to tag along on our mission of mercy, he gladly jumped in the car and we were off. Asher was happy to head home to outside adventures and Ranger got his "bye-bye fix!"
Now it might sound like all of this was a fluid shift in the day...and it might have looked that way...but it was a challenge for this Nanny/Therapy Dog individual to change course midstream! Aborting Plan A to embrace Plan B is not my forte! Luckily, I am married to a former Air Traffic Controller who has helped me develop some skills and acceptance with quick change situations.
Now, I ask myself who will benefit from a change in plans? Will it hurt anything or anyone to go to Plan B? If the answers are positive in nature, I take a deep breath and forge ahead in the new direction! Plan B becomes the new Plan A!
Priorities aside (Asher comes first), it was easier than I thought it would be! Now, it's time for the Goldens' second walk...hopefully, it will go as planned!