Day 658

Definition of Devotion: Strong commitment or love for someone, attachment, affection, dedication and loyalty.

Definition of a Golden Retriever: Friendly, loyal, intelligent, devoted, loving and loyal

It was not surprising to ask my Alexa these two definitions and discover that they were practically interchangeable. My four are devoted to me (Mac as well), but then I am absolutely devoted to them as well. We are almost ALWAYS together in any room in our home and their presence brings such peace and a feeling of love.

There are certainly other things in life that might go under the heading of "Devoted." Family members, beloved friends, Therapy Dogging, wonderful memories and a few other treasured parts of life would certainly pertain. Even though I was devoted to my teaching career, making my house a home and traveling (especially Disney), those parts of life never grabbed at my heart like the family, friends and Goldens do!

When those dogs follow me into a room and position themselves to watch my every move... that's devotion.

When they are frightened or hurt, they come right to me for comfort and know my devotion will keep them safe. It is one of the most humbling roles in my life, however, I rarely feel it is deserved.

That's the beauty of true devotion. It comes from the heart and is never forced. It is impossible to devote yourself deeply when your heart isn't involved. What a gift it is to experience and receiving. I try to never take it for granted.


Day 659


Day 657