Day 614

When someone comes to our door...or even thinks about approaching that entry, all four Goldens rush to the door with "barkers" in motion! Having done my fair share of training, I know how to make that behavior stop, but have never set that plan into motion. With enough treats, their own personal doggy mat and a host of volunteer doorbell ringers, it could be accomplished in short order. Perhaps, it needs to be moved up on the priority list...just ask anyone brave enough to attempt access into The Big White House.

Knowing that my pups enjoy a good bark, there are times when I simply enjoy the pandemonium. After all, they are just being dogs and guarding their humans.

We all take on the role of guardian from time to time. Having someone relying on us makes us behave a bit like my Goldens...although the bark may be missing. Going from calm to a level of alertness can be a challenge. The senses jump into action, the heart races and a "Mama Bear Moment" just might take place. It is survival of the fittest and guarding those who need protection at its best...not always a bad thing.

When I was young, we didn't lock our doors or cars. There was no feeling of danger, so the adults felt no need to be on guard. When I wonder how things have changed, it's hard to pinpoint the exact cause of our heightened "inner bear." Perhaps it's exposure to the news where, with the help of technology, the world has become smaller. Every event seems to be in our own backyard.

For our pack, we lock doors but not our hearts. Being watchful and aware does not mean we lose all trust and faith in mankind. Much like our Committee of Golden Greeters, we react to the unusual, but end up wagging our tails when our heightened sense of alertness dissipates.

Here's to fewer moments of fight-or-flight and more wagging tails! The Goldens just might lead the way for me!


Day 615


Day 613