Day 609

The two big Christmas trees came down today and I had wonderful helpers! All four Goldens had a paw in the festivities! Of course, they don't realize what is going on, but simply want to be close by.

The Big White House seems like it has grown today. Packing everything up and moving it into its "basement home" took the better part of the day, but each room became more spacious with each trip down the stairs.

There is a children's book entitled "Cow in the House." One of my favorite stories to share this time of year, it seems we can all relate!

The tale begins with a man going to the town Wise Man to ask for some wisdom. It seems that his house is too small for his wife and himself, so he seeks advice on how to handle it. The Wise Man tells him to bring the chickens inside. The man protests, but does as he is told. Of course, it gets worse! Going back to complain, the Wise Man simply smiles and tells him to let the pigs in...

...the donkey

...the goats

...the barn cats

...and finally the cow!

The man begs the Wise Man to reconsider his advice, but eventually invites the cow into the kitchen.

When he returns to the Wise Man to tell him the din and crowding are unbearable, his mentor tells him to take the cow back outside (followed by the cats, goats, pigs, donkey, and chickens). After doing as he was told, the man returns to the Wise Man singing his praises! When the animals were removed, the house seemed huge! He and his wife had so much room!

I did not have a cow in the house, but the story rings true. Our home seems much bigger, but that means more room for dog beds! The four Goldens would agree with that!


Day 610


Day 608