Day 610
These two hooligans are quite the pair! What one doesn't think of, the other one will. To be fair, Sammy is the ring-leader with Gus usually following along in his wake. It is our philosophy, here at the Big White House, that if they don't get hurt, it is simply a teachable moment. There are quite a few teachable moments with our two pups!
On the human side of friendship, there is often a Sammy in the mix. With one strong personality coming up with ideas, the other person (or people) tend to follow right along. Throughout my life, I have tended to be a follower.
Being a follower is not so bad. Riding on the coattails of vibrant, alpha people can be exciting and fun. Throughout the years, I have found myself on a Greyhound Bus to Florida, boarding a plane to Las Vegas (for my Bachelorette Party), riding down a mountain bike trail at Lutsen Mountain, snorkeling in the ocean with sea turtles and a few more adventures that I wouldn't change for the world. I am forever grateful for those "ring-leaders" who nudged me to follow!
Although there seems to be a consensus regarding my "following personality," there have been times when I have surprised even myself with a crazy idea or two. However, the older you become, the more you make decisions by processing the risks and benefits of an excursion. For example, those roller blades are still in my possession, but no decision has been made regarding their use...yet!
It is comfortable to be neither a leader or a follower at this point in my life. It is a beautiful middle ground where there is no angst, competition or fear of rejection. Peer pressure simply faded away. If I had only known that as a teenager and young adult, who knows what wings might have grown. Looking back, there are no regrets for this follower-turned-assessor of regrets at all!