Day 554

I believe in serendipity. There have been too many 'coincidental moments in my life to think otherwise. Today was no exception!

Starting our day with an opportunity to meet our dear Sue for a hug and a Thanksgiving gift was wonderful. Sue, who is dealing with cancer, is my friend who only asks for 'time.' Knowing that tomorrow is promised to no one, she simply goes around and makes this world a better place. Her Thanksgiving gift warmed my heart.

On to Walker for a quick visit with our friend Dave as he heads out for his appointment. Standing in the welcoming area, I glance up at the screen showing announcements. When the November birthdays are listed, I noticed that the concierge's big day is TODAY!!! Lilly and I went up for a hug and I had the chance to cater in lunch for her after our visit to Mercy Hospital. Just happening to be present on her birthday warmed my heart.

Off to Mercy with Mr. Ranger, the serendipity seemed to follow like a shadow Out first encounter was with a mother we had comforted last week. Holding a vigil for her daughter, she sits in the lobby when she can't physically be with her child. I shared that I keep a list of people who need healing and that I have been keeping her daughter close to my heart. She expressed such gratitude. Her devotion to her daughter warmed my heart.

Next, we went up to the heart floor. Last week, Ranger and I had met and supported a gentleman facing open heart surgery the next day. Today, walking the hallways, he emerged from his room and called out our names. It was a celebratory reunion for all of us! His warm connection to us warmed my heart.

Finally, the elevator doors opened in front of us and out walked Pat. This dear lady helped take care of our beloved Shirley when we all needed that loving support. Hugs, tears and a moment of remembering followed. She offered to send me a picture of Shirley with her sweet rescue dog. (Fifteen-year-old Maddie still lives in Shirley's house with the new owner...daughter Katie!) The picture just happens to be the last one before she went into hospice. My heart was beyond warmed.

It was one of those days when seconds would have caused the players to miss our connections...but we didn't. I believe in the power of serendipity.

Now, I will continue to focus on Thanksgiving with gratitude...for serendipity moments and other humbling gifts. Thank you, Sue, for your beautiful gift that will grace our table on Thursday and remind us to be thankful for so much... especially time.



Day 555


Day 553