Day 555

Appreciating the generations is so easy this time of year. Even though life flows quickly through the holidays, we often find ourselves in the company of family members who fall somewhere on the continuum of life.

My heart melted as we took our walk this afternoon. Papa, Asher and Ranger...what gifts they are in my life. Our 'young ones' seem so independent these days and tend to focus within, but they are soaking in the wisdom, guidance and love from their senior relatives without even knowing. Someday, they will look back and realize their strength and moral compass is a hand-me-down from the generations past.

It took me decades to realize that my own hand-me-downs were at the core of who I had become. Starting with grandmothers, I learned to bake, play cards and love writing. Along with a myriad of other gifts, they shared their absolute devotion and attention with me and taught me how important that is to be treasured as a young soul. Finally, I discovered that as you age, wrinkled hands simply become more gentle and elderly arms are always safely welcoming.

From my parents, I "inherited" their love of family and a commitment to honesty, hard work and kindness. Mom was my Brownie leader, Lincoln room mother, dance instructor, band parent and any other role that found her cheering me on. Feeling that essence of support carried through to my own children. I learned to believe in their dreams. Dad was the kindest, wisest, loving father a girl could ask for. From him, I learned to treat others as matter their walk of life and to be a rock for others when they need one.

From my own children, I have soaked in their zest for life and sheer joy for living. Watching them choose their paths has been an honor and a joy. They fill my heart with life and even push me to be an active partner in some of their adventures.

From my grandson, I have embraced a new love for questioning, learning and experiencing the wonder of the world around us. It seems you can also be blessed with hand-me-ups as well!

During this season of gratitude and thanksgiving, take time to honor those loved ones who have, and continue to, make you who you are. We are simply a conglomerate of the generations surrounding our lives. Then, we have the amazing opportunity (and responsibility) to hand some of our own essence to others in our family circle. Much like the family quilt that hangs on the wall, all of our " individual beings" are patched together to make a whole, beautiful design. Take a moment to look at that quilt of generations and honor each square.



Day 556


Day 554