Day 527

You can find tidbits of wisdom in many places...friends, family, books, experiences and many other sources. For me, visiting our seniors is my favorite place to soak in wisdom from those who have lived for many amazing years. They offer it without expectations of gratitude or acknowledgement, but freely share their life lessons with anyone who will listen.

Lilly, hugging our dear Don's feet, seems to feel the love and grace emanating from his very existence. If she could get closer, she would. She reacts to all of these special friends in a way that honors them and they love it!

This morning, before our harmonica concert, we visited sweet Carol. Not always in touch with her reality, she will sometimes surprise me with a wonderfully lucid moment. Today, she meandered along and then, when I mentioned my ZOOMY Sam, she looked me right in the eye and said, "You can't hurry the 'puppy' out of him...he will be ready when he's ready!" Wisdom...

Our friend Pinky was next. Always lucid and full of fun memories about her years in the classroom, our visits are so entertaining. On this day, I mentioned the beauty of the autumn leaves outside her window. As we gazed at the colorful display, I smiled and said that soon they would be gone and the snow would come. This charming lady said, "When the snow comes, we will look out this same window and marvel at its sparkling beauty." Wisdom...

Each visit to see our senior friends invites my soul to soften and I embrace the wise words that are shared. Sam will eventually be a great therapy dog and his Mama will now have a bit more patience with her adolescent pup...thank you, Carol. When the wind and snow change the landscape to a white one, I will find beauty in that season...thank you, Pinky

Taking time to listen to these elders and embracing their wisdom warms my heart and seems to help make sense of this world of ours. I am beyond grateful for the time I spend with these treasured seniors full of wisdom. For some, sharing what they have learned is their final gift to those of us lucky enough to hold their hand.

Lilly...Lilly somehow understands the importance of these visits and loves every minute. She simply snuggles close as they share. Perhaps, sharing her love with each person is her own way of being wise.


Day 528


Day 526