Day 501
Sometimes, when you plan to do something nice for someone, the joy bounces back at you, filling your own heart with joy! Today, we invited our friends to bring our Harmonica Man to the cottage for lunch. All three arrived safe and sound! They were met at the gate by Ranger and Lilly who were beyond ecstatic to greet them. (Lilly has a very special place in her heart for Don.)
With great care, we moved inside to the living room where our visit began. From there, lunch was served and we finally meandered to the deck. It was there, with Goldens curled around our feet, that the real magic of the day began...stories, puppy love and harmonica music embraced us in a bubble of beautiful memories-in-the-making.
Later, as the lovely day was revisited in my heart, I realized that the true gift of the day was bestowed on me. Starting out by planning the outing (with our friends Jim and Jody), it was centered on getting our centenarian up to the cottage. What transpired was Don giving US the gift of his friendship, wisdom and love.
The old saying goes, "It is better to give than receive." I would like to tweak that thought by saying, "It is better to give, but what you receive from giving, is even greater!"
*You take care of a grandchild, but your gift is their love!
*You help a friend in need, but the real gift is the feeling you get when you see them relax and find hope.
*You take your Therapy Dogs on visits and your own heart is filled to overflowing!
This list could go on forever since I cannot recall a time when I offered a piece of my heart and discovered that same heart filled to the brim with love.
What a wonderful day! Friends, Harmonica Man, music, nature, full hearts and just doesn't get much better!