Day 424

Toys! My Goldens are obsessed with the newest toy in the matter what it might be. Right now, Sam's birthday tug-toy is the hottest thing going!

When I was young, toys were magical. Dolls actually slept in their cribs at night, stuffed animals chatted with me and doll houses were real, living settings for my glass animals that resided there. I can remember leaving reality and delving into the recesses of those mystical worlds.

Outside was a bit different, but just as wonderful! Skates with keys to tighten them onto my saddle shoes, tree swings that went on forever, bikes that took us on many an adventure and so much more! As a neighborhood of creative kids, we never lacked for imagination!

As an adult, the magic or toys is attached to the realities of growing up:

*Is it safe?

*Is it expensive?

*Is it productive?

These questions, and so many more, tend to strip the magic from playing. Grown-up souls have all but forgotten the magic of childhood toys. It is sad, but it is a reality.

Instead of physical "toys," I find almost the same joy and magic in nature, people and DOGS! Walking by the river provides so many beautiful moments. Those in my life supply love, happiness and even magic now and then.

Dogs seem to be the toy that just keeps on giving! Along with showing me the way back to magical times, they share that wonder with others around. Yes, they are expensive, but they are safe and beyond productive with their loving hearts.

Perhaps that is why I surround myself with these amazing beasts...they take me back to the magical world of childhood!


Day 425


Day 423