Day 413

Easily entertained... that's our Sammy! He "played" with a rogue fly for over 20 minutes today! His patience and fortitude were remarkable!

My own attention span leaves something to be desired. When accomplishing tasks, I tend to lose my direction from time to time. An early afternoon might go something like this:

*Lunch is over, I better clear the table.

*Oh! (Seeing the watering can) I better water the plants.

*It's pretty dusty by these windows. I'll just grab a dust cloth.

*That chandelier needs a cleaning!

*My goodness, I didn't put the butter away!

*I better think about supper!

Everything gets finished, but I tend to get sidetracked easily. Lists help, but my mind does not seem to be linear by nature!

There are times when I wish to be more like Sam. Focus on the "fly" until it's caught! When those thoughts enter my mind, I realize my path of accomplishments runs more in a zigzag pattern. It tends to drive my air traffic controller husband crazy, because I am always on the move.

Even though my tasks get jumbled, they do get finished eventually. Sometimes, the non-linear path has its benefits.

Focussing on "the fly" might work for our puppy, but the "Zigzag Method" certainly works for me!

To each their own. As long as the job gets done, take the path that works for you. For me, I will choose the "Path Less Traveled" even if I weave in and out of the trees now and then! flies were hurt during this post!



Day 414


Day 412