Day 412

In a big family, there are few moments when a child (or adult) gets to be in the individual spotlight. Try as I might, that holds true for my four-legged children as well.

I try to plan for some one-on-one time with each Golden every day. Walking, training and belly rubs are all daily goals. Today, at the cabin, I thought it might be nice to have a little Gus Time with the tennis ball. Because he is a middle child, he seemed to savor being an "Only Golden"!

When my two-legged children were young, I tried to spend quality time with each one. "Mommy and Me" classes, tea parties, books, board games and other attempts were usually successful...other times our party was crashed by siblings. Still, I continued to carve out time for each child.

However, every evening, I would sit on the edge of each bed and share the ritual that was so near and dear to my heart.

* They would share "3 Good Things" from their day.

* I would tell them "3 Good Things" I noticed about them as a person that day.

* I would sing their own special songs.

*Say their prayers.

*Finally, I would tuck them in with a hug and a kiss.

This, times four, was our ritual and I tried to be there for that special time each night.

They loved those times, but not as much as I did! It would seem to be important to little people, and big ones too, to share some one-on-one time with those they hold dear. In this frantic, franetic world, it is often too easy to group people together and touch base with friends and family in a group. A new goal of mine has been to focus on an individual loved one now and then...spending precious moments with the spotlight only on them. It is a richer experience for both parties!

So now, with all my wet Goldens at my feet, I think I will go rub each one behind the ears and whisper that I love them. It will be our little secret!



Day 413


Day 411