Day 414

Happy 4th of July

We were fortunate enough to experience Americana at its best today! Heading into Pequot Lakes for their "Stars and Stripes Days", our main goal was to see the parade. One of our dearest friends was one of the Grand Marshals and rode proudly in a jeep to wild cheers and applause!

Although we went to honor our friend, we were absolutely charmed by the crowd along the parade route. Dressed in red, white and blue, everyone was sporting their American pride.

Of course, I was walking up to ANYONE with a leash in their hand! Starting a conversation with a dog owner is so simple. Ask them to tell you about their pup and the flood gates open wide! I almost wished that I had brought a couple Goldens along, but knew I had made the right choice to leave them at the cabin when the fire engines started to sound their sirens!

We noticed parade-goers sharing patriotism in ways that were probably displayed only on this special day. A teenage girl waved a small American flag as she walked towards her family. A woman wore a long dress that looked like an American flag and a gentleman wore red, white and blue sunglasses with a shirt to match.

Why is it "cool" to be an American on this holiday when it is not quite as popular to share your American pride on other days? Even at sporting events across the street from our home, the loudspeaker blares a reminder to stand and remove hats during the National Anthem.

For me, and so many others of my generation, being patriotic seems to come naturally. We heard stories from our WWll parents and learned that freedom comes at a cost. This was followed by the Viet Nam era and we were reminded by friends and spouses who had served their country with pride.

I love this country and appreciate the freedoms that others have fought to procure...and still serve to protect. Today, as the bell tower played "Glory, Glory Alleluia", my eyes misted over as the parade crowd joined in with the lyrics. It was a moment to cherish and soak up the patriotic love surrounding us.

America ..home of the free, because of the brave. I, for one, am proud to be an American and will strive to keep today's patriotic love in my heart


Day 415


Day 413