Day 374

When my pups show signs of pain or illness, I become an absolute mess! Today, it was Lilly's turn to push me to the edge of sanity. Just to let you know, our girl will be fine, but it was a scary day!

This morning, Mac called to me and said that Lilly was having trouble standing. I rushed up, analyzed the situation and ran back down for our "saddle" that slips under her tummy and lets us hold her weight with the attached handles. We gingerly descended the stairway and, once on the main floor, she went right down on the floor again. We waited for our veterinary clinic to open and were the first callers on the line.

When we arrived at the clinic, Lilly was able to walk a bit so we helped her into a room. The technician took some information and vitals and then said, "Dr. Duke will be in shortly." As the door shut, tears erupted. Dr. Duke...

This man has been by our side with tears in his eyes when we have said good-bye to some of our beloved pups, has basically held our hands when we needed to make decisions AND has been just about the best doctor we could ever ask for! Today was no exception. After he examined her, he predicted a herniated disk. X-rays and blood work helped to confirm that suspicion. The relief flowing through me was palpable. I had feared the worst, but now I can help her with rest, offer TLC and dispense wonderful medicines.

As we drove home, I thought of the people who stepped up to make this day easier on us. Kathy, at Oxbow, told me to not worry about canceling and that she just wanted Lilly to be OK. My dear friend, Sue, didn't blink an eye when I canceled our meeting. Heather, super mom across the street, told us that Asher could run over and stay with them as long as we needed her. The list goes on...what a wonderful village we have!

Then, I let my mind wander through the people who love this dog. Of course, her family (she is truly Jimmy's dog), her beloved friends at Walker, readers who know her through my writing and so many more people have been touched by that sweet pup. Just today, one special friend shared that she was going through a real rough time with the health of her parents. She added that, even though she couldn't pet them, she felt like Lilly and Ranger were there to comfort her. That touched my heart.

These four-legged beasts make the world so much brighter, caring and loving...all beloved pets do. The Goldens don't look for accolades, they don't want thanks...they just want to love and be loved in return. With all the craziness in our lives, perhaps I need to be more like my Goldens. I shouldn't worry about all the mundane problems and other issues I cannot control. Just love and be loved...the Goldens seem to know what is truly important.


Day 375


Day 373