Day 375

There have been numerous times when Lilly and I have been able to spend time with one of our favorite gentlemen. Lilly has to be resting right now and can't make the trip to Walker, so we decided to take a jaunt down to visit our friend "dogless". Other than being at a loss without one of the Goldens by my side, it allowed me to focus on the loved ones around me.

Today, I had the honor of spending part of the morning with three amazing men! Mac, Don (our almost 100-year-old harmonica player) and my little man...Asher! What a gift to be in the midst of these wonderful guys!

We were headed down to the Rum River to sit by the water and enjoy the beauty of the day. Before we picked up Don at Walker, I had a little chat with young Asher...

Nanny: "Do you know how old 100 is?"

Asher: "I think it is more than two hands?"

Nanny: "WAY more than that! Don was in the service just like Papa."

Asher: "Does he have a dented leg like Papa?"

Nanny: "No, but he does use a wheel chair and he can't see very well at all...just shapes and colors."

Asher: "Nanny...that makes me so sad. You mean he can't see us or the dandelions or the trees?"

Nanny: "That's right, Sweetie. He knows we are there, but can't see much of our faces or anything."

Asher: (After a long time and some shaking of the head) "I am sad because he can't see the prettiness of the world. No flowers, no clouds in the sky and not people he loves."

Nanny: "That's OK, Honey...he can still see all of that in his memories."

I was almost moved to tears by that discussion, but Mac wheeled our guest of honor out and we headed to the swings down at the park. After a bit, Mac and Asher left to throw a few rocks and sticks into the river, leaving me alone with my special friend.

Don asked me if I had ever heard the story about when he met his beloved wife, Edith. I told him that he had told me before, but I love that story so much I wanted to hear it again. With a far away look in his eyes, he retold the beautiful tale of how he met his bride and they fell in love. It is a glorious courtship tale full of all the elements of serendipity, romance and love. I never grow tired of that story...ever!

Remembering my chat with Asher and watching this beloved man tell the story of his love, I smiled. Don can see just as well as anyone else on this earth...perhaps even better. As his eyes gazed ahead, without any real focus, I knew he was reliving the story and seeing it perfectly. His memories are vivid and provide him with all the sight he could possibly need.

What a gift to be in his presence. I learn about life every time we share a visit.. Today, I embraced the idea that, even without the physical ability to see, the heart sees 20/20. What a gift that can be!


Day 376


Day 374