Day 32


Compassion! Goldens seem to be born with it while it takes humans a bit longer to perfect that gift.

Ranger would not leave Gus's side for a portion of the day and even Lilly was close at hand (paw) in case he needed anything. We now take the "Cone of Shame" off for eating and walking. Otherwise, he is needing that safe-guard to keep the infection at bay.

Compassion is such an fascinating emotion. For me, I can feel it right in my core and it drives me to take action. I am quite certain that I was not born as a compassionate being, but the seed must have been in there somewhere.

Looking back on my life, I know that there were wonderful role models to help me develop empathy and compassion. (I feel they go hand-in-hand.) My grandma, parents, teachers, friends and so many others would demonstrate caring acts...with me as an avid audience. I would observe them in action, witness the outcome and allow my heart to grow with each heartfelt encounter.

My goldens have certainly shown me what compassion looks like. I look into their eyes and see such love and acceptance. I also have been such a lucky participant when they comfort someone. They simply come by it naturally and it is a beautiful thing to behold.

I tell people that I am the lucky one to be in the presence of such golden hearts. I get to be on the other end of the leash as the magic happens.


Day 33


Day 31