Day 31


Happy Birthday to our Gus! Even though he is slowly on the mend from his surgery, he can still smile!

Golden retrievers seem to want only four things:



Their people!

More food!

Gus is finally embracing golden needs. For some time, he seemed aloof, hyper and just plain zoomy! We were in the process of readjusting our expectations (Lilly and Ranger are SO good!) when suddenly, he seemed to have figured it all out. In his mind, it now seems that affection is not all bad. He is perfecting the "golden lean," needing to touch one of us at all times and even starting to enjoy food!

When we were at the vet's yesterday, I mentioned that he was only now beginning to be interested in food. The doctor looked at him, shook her head and commented how unusual it was for a golden to not want to eat everything, all the time!

Well, that's our Gus. We celebrated his big day with some DQ, a couple extra walks and LOTS of that affection he now craves. You can't ask for much more than that. DQ, a long walk in nature, affection...we should all be so lucky!


Day 32


Day 30