Day 29
Poor Gus Gus! He has the longest nose and a tongue to match. His mission: LICK THAT INCISION! We let our guard down ever so slightly, and he took full advantage. His surgery site has taken on a reddish glow. Now, he is in a new cone...he destroyed the other ones...and under 24 hour surveillance! My challenge child!
Along with concern for Gus, I acknowledge that I tend to worry about most everything! We all seem to be hyper-vigilant these days, whether we just had our dog neutered or not. I have noticed that I am more prone to questioning a situation and I am on high alert when it comes to many things in my life:
The house
Gas prices
...and the list goes on.
What has caused this anxiety in my life? I believe it just might be lack of control and fear of the unknown in this world we live in.
Now, being a person who thinks with her heart more than her head, I have come to a calming conclusion. I don't have control over most things. That Is a fact. I DO, however, have control over my day-to-day actions. I can change the world a little bit through small acts of kindness, empathy and compassion. That seems like a big order, but it's something I CAN control. I feel better already!