Day 231


When you are not feeling 100%, you sometimes need comfort from your big brother. Actually, Gus was sacked out on the day bed and Ranger joined him. He must have known his little brother could use a bit of Golden Therapy!

Gus is doing so much better, but can't understand why his tummy still hurts. When you are sporting nine inches of stitches, it's going to take some time to feel back to normal. Ranger, Lilly and Sam (sometimes) all realize something is different, and seem to commiserate and comfort our Gus. What a wonderful, kind, loving act. The real beauty comes from the fact that they have nothing to gain from sharing themselves with their needy brother. They simply love.

Comfort comes in many forms. Hugs, cards, memories, songs, a listening ear...the list goes on and is very personal for each of us. There have been more than a few times in my life when I welcomed and appreciated comfort from those around me. I am also very fortunate to have my dogs who offer that gift any time of day or night. It's amazing how a cold nose, a paw on the arm or a Golden head resting in my lap can bring such relief from angst.

When I observe the older two doing their Therapy Dog work, I am witness to their impact on those people they visit. I have seen everything from smiles to tears when these Goldens work their magic. Almost always, the recipient closes their eyes and soaks in the spirit of the dog's unconditional love. It is always a beautiful thing to behold.

It is interesting that people who need comfort are more accepting of these big beasts than they would be if I offered them my support. Most often, they are strangers who we will never see again after our meeting. I almost laugh when I realize what type of reception I would receive if I approached a needy stranger and, without a word, rested my head on their shoulder or gave them a long, long hug. They would probably call security!

Then I ask myself, what if I were more like my Goldens and approached people needing comfort with an outstretched hand and a word or two to ease their sadness or pain. What if I behaved more like my Goldens and erred on the side of compassion and kindness with strangers" What if...

It is so easy to be at the other end of the leash because my pups break every barrier. They open the door for me to connect and try to bring comfort from a human perspective while the person pets my dogs. With my Therapy Dogs by my side, people seem to welcome my offerings of compassion.

What if, without my dogs, I attempted to comfort someone who needed somebody...anybody.

What if...


Day 232


Day 230