Day 177
We all love to eat...some more than others! We eat what is good for us, not so good, too much, too little and sometimes things that make us sick!
The Goldens eat their three meals with gusto! Ranger and Sam are the real champs! In-between, the boys are on the hunt for anything! Thank goodness for the "drop it" command!
The boys dine on rocks, wrappers, poo and anything else they can snatch. Believe me, I am on constant watch, but they can be quick and tricky. Thank goodness Gus likes to carry an empty pop bottle while we walk! Otherwise, EVERYTHING goes down the "Gussler"!
Ranger needs a special diet for his allergies, but even that has proven tricky. Allergic to corn dust, who knew chicken was part of the food chain to make him itch!
I found out the hard way that chocolate precipitates migraines. After a Christmas Day in the ER, you would think I would have learned my lesson. Always the researcher, I thought I'd test my hypothesis by having a large portion of Sweet Martha's Chocolate Chip Cookies at the MN State conclusion: no more chocolate for me...and of course, NEVER FOR THE DOGS!
We all make choices that are good for us or just the opposite. I have always been an advocate of riding the swinging pendulum near the top...that way, you don't swing so far and wide. Choices, even poor ones, do not seem to carry the worst consequences. Everything in moderation...except popcorn! Popcorn can't hurt you! It's your friend!