Day 1020
Antiques have been a part of our world for a LONG time! We have inherited them, had a booth to sell them, decorated our home with them and (Mac’s idea) have become them!!! Old is not necessarily better, but they do come with rich stories not found attached to newer items.
Today, I was “antiquing" with Sweet Asher when we came upon a telephone stand… the type with a small chair attached to a table/shelf combination. I pulled my grandson over and told him that my own Nanny had one of these! The resulting conversation went something like this…
Me: This is a telephone stand.
Asher: You put your cell phone on it?
Me: No… older phones were bigger and connected at the wall.
Asher: Connected?
Me: Like when you plug the TV in.
Asher: So you had to sit and not move around?
Me: Yes! The shelf was for a phone book.
Asher: A book about phones?
Me: Not exactly…we used to have books with people’s names and phone numbers in “A B C” order. You could look them up and call them!
Asher: Why couldn’t you just use Google?
By now, a small, encouraging crowd had gathered. They tried to help with the enlightening conversation. After a few attempts and some good-hearted laughter, a gentleman said, “You were right to begin with, Kid! Just Google the whole thing!”
Walking away, I vowed to find actual artifacts to show Asher! Beyond the phone items, I may just bring a record player, candle snuffer, iron, meat grinder and a few other antiques to the demonstration! We may even have a moment around our old card catalog!
In the meantime , I believe I will make a cup of coffee with my Keurig and listen to some Michael Buble on the Alexa!