Day 1021

This sad looking Golden is simply looking pathetic because there is a gate keeping him away from his Mama! Poor Sammy!

It occurred to me that Sam, and his siblings, acquiesce to so many restrictions! The leash controls their walking freedom, gates keep them in an area and nighttime kennels (Gus and Sam) have them penned up for the night. The Goldens handle these constraints with wagging tails and absolute forgiveness. Of course, what they don’t understand is that we are simply trying to keep them safe from harm.

Perhaps, being in education for over a quarter century developed a “Worst Case Scenario” state of mind within me. Watching young charges climb, jump and race on the playground might just put that fear into anyone’s heart! It certainly molded my ‘predictions of disaster’, which carried into my home life with my own children.

Having taken more statistic courses at the University of Minnesota than I care to count, I know the safety odds are in my favor… yet there is that 1% chance that disaster is right around the corner! Being a positive thinker, this little “fault” is out of character for me. Still, any attempts to quell this thinking meets with irrationality. The worst COULD, happen…statistically speaking.

During one recess, a particularly FAVORITE student was playing soccer. Watching him run across the field brought such a smile to my face until, to my absolute horror, he tripped over his own feet and fell into an awkward heap…I KNEW he had just broken his leg! Statistically, it should have only been a slight sprain, but my heart knew better! Sure enough, that leg was broken! So much for statistics!

So, I leash, fence, kennel and watch over my “Halo of Goldens” like the Secret Service. Perhaps, we have avoided catastrophe more than once under my extreme caution! I will continue to try to loosen those apron strings and allow a bit more freedom for loved ones (2- and 4-legged), but this “Old Dog” is not open to swinging wide too many gates to freedom! After all… there IS that 1%!!!


Day 1022


Day 1020