Day 1019
We spend so much of our lives ‘waiting.’ We wait for the traffic light to turn, there is impatience when the line is long at the grocery store and, for some, the weekend looms far in the distance. It seems we are often waiting for that preverbal ‘pot of water’ to boil just like our simmering frustration at having to wait. Impatience is a common human trait.
There are also times when we find ourselves waiting for something exciting to occur. Parties, vacations and other enjoyable events can add such a zest to life. At our home, we have a Christmas Countdown that displays 299 more days until that magical holiday. Once again, we wait and count the days!
The problem arises for me when I want to rush the time of waiting and anticipation. Wanting that “something” to happen before its time can make me miss the beauty of the ‘Waiting Time’ and all it offers.
We can’t wait to see what our puppy will look/act like as an adult. What will our children do with their One Beautiful Life as they grow? When will the robins return? All of these, and so much more, find us wanting time to move forward quickly without cherishing the time of joy as we patiently wait.
So, I try to enjoy the here and now. The robins will migrate. Children (and grandchildren) will evolve at their own pace and puppies will grow to adulthood all too soon. Embracing the present, without rushing towards the future, will never disappoint.