Day 1002
Devotion is often earned…but not always.
With our Goldens, their need to be near and interact is constant. We provide for their every need, offer affection and try to make their lives…Golden. Still, what they give in return is above and beyond ANYTHING we offer. We don’t even have to try. They love us in spite if ourselves. Their devotion is humbling.
In other relationships, we must earn that devotion. Years of trust-building, support and commitment build the base. Each block is carefully placed with love being the mortar that supports the structure. When the walls are built, they will stand the test of time. We all have those “homes” that we have constructed and find sanctuary there.
As long as it takes to build those “walls of devotion,” they can be destroyed in a moment’s time. A thoughtless word or deed can bring a wall toppling down and, in the rubble, it is hard to rebuild. Avoid making those mistakes at all costs.
Devotion comes easily to me. With that, I am sometimes open to pain if the objects of that devotion are not “builders.” It is worth the risk. For those who devote themselves to me, hearts are safe. After all, I learn at the feet of the best…Goldens!