Day 1001
Every once in awhile, the stars align and our favorite things come together for a precious moment in time. Today was such a day.
It was “Mystery Reader” month at Asher’s school. Ranger and I were invited to sneak in and surprise Asher’s class where we were able to do one-on-one time with each young reader. Books, first graders, my Therapy Dog AND Asher… what could be better?
There are times in everyone’s life when that intersection of loveliness happens. It can’t be choreographed or planned…it simply takes us by surprise!
There have been so many times that these alignments occur and pass us by before we can grab their depth. One such time hapoened to me almost twenty tears ago. My dear, “Life’s Too Short” group surprised me with a bridal shower that topped them all! Kidnapping me from work, accompanying me to the airport and escorting me to Las Vegas was a blur! Then… we all went to see Barry Manilow (I have been a “Fanilow” for decades!)! After we returned, it was only then that I could embrace what had happened! Of course, mementos and pictures helped the memories to cement this incredible star-alignment in my heart!
To be able to take a beat and acknowledge how special these moments are is the goal. So many times, we are overwhelmed by the synchronicity of it all and it’s gone before we let it seep into our hearts. Here’s to those amazing moments and to the times we can embrace them before they disappear!