Day 976
Anyone who knows me would tell you that I love Christmas!! Along with the joy that shines through the true meaning of this celebration, I adore the decorations, family times, festivities, food, lights and all the adornments. “Putting the holiday to bed” is not one of my favorite pastimes and I procrastinate as long as humanly possible before boxing the last ornaments.
Today, we attacked the outside lighting and decorations. As we hauled everything inside and down the basement steps, I marveled at how it would soon be organized and shelved for another nine and a half months. Somehow, it all fits on the Christmas shelves built by a dear friend. The house looks a bit drab now, but also so much bigger!!! I always try to find the positive in a tedious task!
Not to be a “Pollyanna," but there are always bright points in every onerous activity! Take the task of cleaning a closet, not only do you end up with a beautiful, organized space, but you invariably find a lost treasure to boot!!!
There are times when I have had challenging tasks that seem to have no joy attached. Cleaning out loved ones homes would certainty fit in that category. Even those times are made more bearable when shared with others who are trusted and loved. Perhaps that is the key… always surround yourself with friends and family when taking on an unpleasant duty. Before you realize it, there are suddenly stories and laughter as you relive your memories.
Perhaps next year, I will have a party (the opposite of a barn raising) when I start dismantling the holidays!!!! Any takers?