Day 970

Doing any task...especially an onerous one, is always better when you are supported by others. Beginning the “undecorating process,” I was accompanied by Gus and Sam with very step. “Helping” me gather, box and store the Christmas decor was supported by helpful paws, sniffs and licks galore! Each time I hauled something down the basement steps, the boys were right there to advise!

For me, almost any task is more pleasant when I have a partner. Now, enticing that “buddy” to embrace the spirit of the job is sometimes a challenge!!! For example, if the garage needs cleaning, everyone seems to disappear. If cookie dough needs testing, the multitudes emerge out of nowhere!!!!

With my zest for getting things done, along with my desire to have a partner in crime, it can be a challenge to make it happen. Typically, I then tear into it on my own…at least I get to make all the decisions related to tossing and organizing!

Since I do enjoy a good task, perhaps I need to offer my services to others who need their own “job buddy.” Not only would it be rewarding to complete a job, but it would feel good to help someone with their own task to polish off! I could always bring a few Goldens to oversee the job!


Day 971


Day 969