Day 91


Sometimes we need to ask for help and we simply don't know how to go about that. Take our Gus, for example. Many goldens have severe allergy problems and our boy is no exception. About two days ago, he started scratching, biting and eventually creating large sore spots on his legs and body. Poor baby. He just didn't know how to ask except to demonstrate his need with his actions. It was a somewhat easy fix: a trip to the vet's to get a Cytopoint shot. He is resting comfortably and the scratching has all but stopped.

Sometimes, it is not such an easy fix. Unlike our beloved four-legged friends, humans tend to hide their discomfort or pain for a variety of reasons. Perhaps it is pride or a need to avoid weakness. Other times, it might be a need to protect loved ones from stress and heartache. There are also those pains that people cannot even define on their own. They only know it hurts.

We have all had those moments when, like Robert Frost, we arrive at the fork leading to two roads and continue on the one most traveled. It is easy to stay the course rather than to choose the road less traveled and reach out to others for support.

Minnesotans come from strong stock! My own great-grandfather took a train from Minneapolis to Anoka in the 1800s. He then started walking to Hassen (by Rogers), where their farm was, and encountered a blizzard along the way. They found him by the barn the next morning. Barely alive, the doctor was called to see if anything could be done. Great Grandpa Farrier was placed on the kitchen table and had his legs amputated at the knee as a last resort, to ward of the gangrene. Well, obviously, he lived or I wouldn't be here. He couldn't farm anymore, so went into the artificial limb business...quite resourceful, creative and brave. His only regret was that he had lost two inches of height making him a mere 6 foot 2 inches.

We can't all be that brazenly strong, but we can all be strong enough to ask for help when we need it. Luckily, humans have family and friends that would feel it a privilege to help. Even though it might seem like a weak reaction to ask for assistance when we are in need, it may just be the strongest thing to do.

Gus is peacefully grateful for that shot today...even though you wouldn't have known it at the time! We are always vigilant when it comes to our fur babies. Since they can't use words, we watch for other signs that we might need to step in and help those sweeties.

With my human family, I am always humbled by the give-and-take of loved ones in my life. Accepting help from others is a gift you present to the giver. It feels so good to be needed! Even though it may not seem so at the time, allowing others to help you is an incredibly selfless act. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help or to give a helping hand where needed. It simply is the definition of humanity.


Day 92


Day 90