Day 800

Every once in awhile, kindness finds its way to your door. Yesterday, a sister/friend brought a wonderful meal, gifts AND doggy cookies for the Goldens. She had nothing to gain from this act of kindness and I get the feeling we are not alone in receiving her generosity. Yet, she unknowingly gained a deeper place in our hearts.

Random acts of kindness are some of the best gifts to receive. Unexpected, they surprise and delight, incurring deep gratitude. Having just been the recipient of one reminds me that the simplest gesture of kindness can make such an imprint on our hearts.

In a perfect world, after receiving a random act of kindness, if that person could pay it forward to two people that day, and those two could then move the wave forward, kindness would erupt in unforeseen places. Eventually, the numbers would hit exponential records and create so much happiness on this earth.

Now, I am not saying it would change the course of history, but it would bring more smiles to the world. When a kind act is done for me, I always have the positive energy to pay it forward. Today, I believe I will take that urge and double it…paying it forward twice!

A girl can dream…


Day 801


Day 799