Day 786
I finally started my fifth, and last book in "The Teddy Bear Chronicles." It has been brewing in my head for months...years on end and FINALLY there are actual words on a page! Since Gus was the star of Book 4, Sam needs to take the lead in the last publication. Although this final offering (before I move onto other genres) will include a respectful nod to disabilities, it has morphed into something bigger. Sam will be the main character, but Gus will play a major role. His silent disability, with losing the sight in his right eye, certainly plays a part in the story.
As I began the first few chapters, I realized that there are countless people in my world with some sort of disability that would not be obvious at first glance. Take Gus, for might not realize the loss of his sight until you witnessed him run into a tree on his sightless side, or actually looked into his eyes for more than a moment. He does not let his lack of sight slow him down, but he is much more hesitant and "jumpy" than his siblings when a noise startles him. Precious Boy...
Knowing how much this sweet Golden is affected by his silent disability has made me more aware of others around me and their hidden struggles. When someone has a wheelchair, prosthesis, hearing aids or glasses for example, it is easier to make allowances for their disability because you realize their challenges. Each day, I become more aware of others who struggle without any empathy or compassion for their trials because they are unseen.
Our Gus is protected by his vigilant humans and guarded from most harm. We make sure that there are no "surprises" in the form of moved furniture or anything else that might be a challenge. We cannot move the door frames, trees or other immovable objects, so he gets his fair share of bumps. Those are hard lessons for our boy (and his Mama), but he has become more cautious each year.
So, on with the book, on with protecting Gus and on with being more aware of the hidden disabilities carried so bravely by those around us. The School of Life never runs out of new lessons for us to embrace.