Day 780
Fireworks are not friends of the Goldens. Their fear is palpable, so this year we were slightly prepared for the weeks surrounding Independence Day. Our veterinarians were wonderful about supplying us with calming RX and it does take the edge off as promised. Still, all four were snuggled close, with Ranger in my lap last night, as the city celebrated into the night. Poor babies!
We all suffer from irrational fears from time-to-time. Darkness, storms, safety of loved ones, to name a few, can immobilize us with the feeling that we have no control over a situation. Most of us crave control over whatever life throws our way, but some events are simply out of our hands. We simply cannot control the weather, for example. Consequently, we adapt.
We can add lights to fend off the darkness, have a plan for severe weather and take every precaution to keep our loved ones safe. However, there are some irrational fears that still creep into our hearts. Like the Goldens, if these fears could only be "explained away," they would evaporate from our lives. Some fears simply have no means of explanation.
So, we simply rely on our own bravery and trusted individuals who will hold our hand until the fear passes. For the Goldens, we will love them, hold them close and be present for those things we can't explain.